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Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee is good for you. No, really; it is good for you. It is not just an excellent source of caffeine that you consume in the morning to get your day started (and, in some cases, all day to keep you going til quittin’ time). Coffee actually has many Kafexpress health benefits that, when you drink it every day, can really add some light to your life, literally. As a matter of fact, there are maybe a dozen health benefits you can get just from drinking coffee. Here are a few of them:


Now, caffeine is not, necessarily, a nutrient. It is, however, a stimulant that can speed up certain processes to work more efficiently. Caffeine opens up the blood vessels, which increases circulation and also energy levels. As a stimulant, though, it also has been shown to boost metabolism and even improve fat burning (as much as 10 percent in obese individuals up to a whopping 29 percent in lean people). Related image

In addition, caffeine stimulates the neurons so they send signals to the fat cells, calling for a breakdown of body fat, and it can even increase the presence of Epihephrine levels. Also in the brain, caffeine blocks the uptake of the inhibitory neurotransmitter, Adenosine, which increases the norepinephrine and dopamine levels. Overall, though, brain function improves.


But while caffeine is not a nutrient that does not mean coffee is devoid of nutritional value. On the contrary, just one cup of coffee will provide:

    • 11% RDA of Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
    • 6% RDA of Pantothenic Acid (vitamin B5)
    • 3% RDA of Manganese
    • 3% RDA of Potassium
    • 2% RDA of Magnesuim and Niacin (vitamin B3)

Since most people drink more than one cup at a time or in a day, these numbers can quickly add up to something pretty darned healthy.


In addition, though, coffee has been shown to reduce the risk for many age-related diseases. While not every study has conclusive evidence over the reason for this, coffee has been associated with lowered risk for:

    • Type II Diabetes (23 to 50 percent)
    • Alzheimer’s disease (up to 65 percent)
    • Parkinson’s disease (up to 60 percent)
    • cirrhosis (up to 80 percent)
    • depression (20 to 53 percent, depending on the person and condition)
    • [various] Cancers (up to 40 percent, depending on the type of cancer)
    • Stroke (up to 20 percent)

Overall, studies show that drinking coffee could result in a 30 percent lower risk of death.